AC Market 4.8.1 Download

This is not a major update for AC Market. How ever this update feels a huge upgrade over previous version 4.8.0. Because home interface and icons undergo huge change. Not a refresh. Completely new interface. Actually I like that home page or startup screen you seen when you open AC Market.

AC Market 4.8.1 Release Note:

  1. Topic function online
  2. Communicate friends all over the world
  3. Free download requires your support
  4. Many minor bugs have been solved.

Let’s see how new interface looks on AC Market 4.8.1

AC Market 4.8.1

When you look at old interface of AC Market looks more out-dated. Below shows old AC Market 4.8.0 interface.

Now you can’t see “I want” floating icon on this version. With minor upgrade they decide to remove that feature. There you can see lot more new games and app.

Download AC Market 4.8.1

Disover new changes and awesome apps and game available.

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