AC Market 4.7.8 Release

New feature: Added Wallet Tab

ac market 4.7.8 release

First feature update received in this year ( 2020 ) is 4.7.8. Not much of a different. Only thing is adding adding wallet tab in AC Market app. Since there are no major bugs found on previous version 4.7.6 so bug fixes.

AC Market 4.7.8 Download

AC Market is one of the best Android app market place that keep introducing new features and keep updated to meet new user requirements. This app was modified to meet newly introduced phones with new capabilities. It was done in to meet competition from other third party App stores like Aptoide, AppVN and more.

Latest version wallet feature may be not feature expected by many of you. But happy to see this app keep moving forward. You can download latest version of AC Market from below download link for free.

Download AC Market 4.7.8

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