Smart Tools APK

Nowadays we have many things on our Androids. Most of them are helping us in our day-to-day lives. So, many external applications can be avoided with some apps on our Androids. Here is one such app. You can replace many other physical tools thanks to this app. Makes your life easier than ever. If you are a student, or if you are a carpenter, engineer, or someone else it should be of greater help. The app is Smart Tools. As the name suggests there are many smart tools included here inside one app. Smart Tools.

What this Smart Tools is?

Simply this is an app you can have on your Androids. This is a whole package of totally useful 6 tools sets. All these tools are very helpful indeed. No need to keep different tools or apps if you have this nice tool with you. All in one package.

What are the tools sets including here?

Smart Ruler Pro

This includes almost all the tools that are needed to measure the length, angle, slope, and so on. For these purposes, this section is equipped with tools like a ruler, spirit level, protractor, and a thread pitch gauge. The app can measure the length of anything placed along with the screen. Very simple. the phone screen will act as a ruler itself. Just like this, you can easily measure other parameters also. Once you get used to the measuring method you will find this useful. Can take anything you want simply without much effort.

Smart Measure Pro

With the use of this tool type, you can measure any distance, height, width, or area. Here you can measure the distance using meters or feet. But the maximum distance to measure should be 100 feet. If you practice the method to take these measurements you will feel comfortable about the app.

Smart Compass Pro

The smart compass pro set is equipped with a compass, GPS, and a metal detector. You can know the latitudes and the longitudes of preferred locations as well as can measure the magnetic fields too.

Smart Light Pro

The set smart light pro helps you to use your mobile or the Android as a flashlight, magnifier, and mirror also.

Smart Meter Pro

This set allows you to sound and the vibrations. This includes tools like a decibel meter and vibrometer.

Unit Converter

This set included in the app helps in all our conversion needs. You can easily convert any needed unit very simply using this set of tools.

Most of the users around the globe find it a useful app. So, give it a try now!!!

Download Smart Tools APK

You can download this application directly from Google Play Store for free. Open play store application and search this app name. You will see this app appear on search results. Select and install it. If not click below download link using your Android phone.

Download using Play Store

If you are unable to download this application using your stock app store, you can use alternative app stores like acmarket. First download acmarket and use that application to install whatever the app you want for free.

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