AC Market New Vs Old Version – (ACMarket 3 Vs ACMarket 4)

AC Market has came long way since it first release. AC Market is the app store based on website. It was first became popular among people due to its interface. As you know many other Android app stores have different user interface that take sometime to get used to it. But with AC Market you can have Play Store theme that looks same as Google Play Store. So you can use this app store just like it was used before. So many people like to used it as it has break the limits of play store. No region limits, restrictions, payments, registrations, subscriptions required. Just download and install this app to download any app you want.

AC Market 3 Vs AC Market 4

AC Market recently released the AC Market 4 which in July 2018. This update changes everything on AC Market app. Because of it’s larger audience it is a must to update and keep the app up to date and able to compete with other app stores out there. Let talk about what is new and not in ACMarket.

AC Market Logo

AC Market fully changed their logo. Now you can see much more interactive and nice logo. They have removed the old one and added this new logo.

AC Market old Logo


AC Market New Logo

AC Market

ACMarket Home Screen

New AC Market app has customized home screen that contain mix content and a login area too. Previous version there is no separate or dedicated page for home as new version.

ACMarket 3

acmarket 3 screen

ACMarket 4

acmarket 4 screen

AC Market Top Menu bar

ACMarket 3  or earlie version has only three tabs on top as “Apps”, “Games” and “Mod”. New home screen feature two more tabs  as “Books” and “Me”. “Me” section or tab contain login area and some useful Android system tools. You can see that change on above pictures.

AC Market Menu

AC Market Menu has changed. You may remember that earlier version has the menu on top left corner as slide menu to right. New version has removed that old fashion menu access button. Instead they add new tab on top called “Me”. There you can see all the menu options available on previous model with some extra features. “Me” section has some useful system tools like “System Cleanser”, “Virus Scan”, “App Request” and etc.

ACMarket 3 Menu Section

acmarket 3 menu

ACMarket 4 Menu Section

acmarket 4 menu

There are more untold changes and features are includes in this new app store. This is the time for bonus feature.  Using new version you can request for Android mod. Once they have included the requested mod no need to manually update or check for updates. AC market do that for you.

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6 thoughts on “AC Market New Vs Old Version – (ACMarket 3 Vs ACMarket 4)”

  1. They keep changing interfaces. That’s good to compete with others. Recent change made me to keep this app forever.


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